on the grade-9 academic (Acad) and applied (Apld)
mathematics tests. For school year 2021/22, academic
and applied mathematics are replaced by the new
de-streamed universal mathematics. The EQAO
assigns a level of achievement to each completed
test. Achievement at Levels 1 and 2 suggest that the
student has not yet met the provincial standard. Level
3 is considered the provincial standard and Level
4 represents achievement well above the provincial
standard. Thus, achievement at Level 3 or 4 suggests
that students are well prepared for work at the
next grade. In order to calculate the average level, a
numerical value was given to each level of achievement.
Thus, Level 1 was given a value of 1 for purposes of
determining the average; Level 2, a value of 2; Level
3, a value of 3; and Level 4, a value of 4. In those
cases where a student completed the test but did not
demonstrate sufficient understanding to be assigned
achievement Level 1, the test was given a value of 0.