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枫下拾英 / 人生足迹 / 我的弟弟是聋哑人。自从我离家上学工作,尤其是移民加拿大以后,基本上没有任何交流,只有我每年探亲一次时,匆匆见个面。其实弟弟有份还过得去的工作,有手机会发中文短信,听说也上网,但弟弟和我爸妈,和周围非聋哑人基本上没交流。
去hearing society做义工吧,一定能找到相似经历的人,还能学到一些东西帮助你弟弟。
Very good advice, I will definitely thinking of it. By the way, I also want to know the communications experience between us and our parents who are living in China.Not from technical way, the actual communications. I found difficulties to say more than general greetings with my parents. :(
我没有很明白你的意思。你是说跟父母沟通的不好?跟父母有代沟还是心里有隔阂(觉得对你弟弟不好?)你的BETWEEN US, 是指你跟弟弟吗? 现在你们能上网,多发信,多点跟他沟通,因为你可能是这世上最接纳关心他的人。本地有很多的家属支持小组分享经历,经验,资源,你找到HEARING SOCIETY 他们会介绍你去。也可以打211 问临近的机构。做家属有很多的负担压力和痛苦,所以有的家属有忧郁症。有的聋哑人在成长过程中受到很多屈辱,不被理解,会封闭自己,变的很敏感,容易发脾气。
Sorry to confuse you. I jumped from one thing to another. My parents loved us for sure and very much but the result was my brother didn't want to talk to them at all. And even me and my parents, there is no much to say either.(Sorry can not type Chinese now.) Asked around friends here around me, not many of them have real communications with their parents either though they all come from 'normal family'.
Regarding the 'Hearing Society', I will go for it for sure. Really appreciate your info and understanding. What you said was so true and I was really moved and motivated for it.